7.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m.
Session: Closing note
Ways out of the Rabbit Hole
The state of immersion, i. e. the experience of being immersed and absorbed in a world, has always attracted people enormously. Media archaeologist Erkki Huthamo sees the cause for this attraction in the innate striving for naturalism, which ideally leads to the elimination of the difference between reality and its depiction. But what happens when people turn their backs on the real world and its challenges and lose themselves in artificially created environments? What ethical questions must companies and organizations ask themselves regarding the spread of immersive technologies and strategies? A plea for re-emergence.
Prof. Dr. Michael Zerr
Pres., Karlshochschule International University
Prof. Dr. Michael Zerr, Präsident Karlshochschule International University. Studium der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaft. Zuvor Staatsministerium BW, Strategiechef und Generalbevollmächtigter Marketing EnBW, Gründer und GF Yello Strom, Co-Gründer vm-people.