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Donnerstag, 4. November 2021


Philipp Reinartz, Thomas Zorbach, Jasmin Moll, Liam Mckill

Ihren Auftakt beging die IMMERSIVE X in der AREA X. Die konferenzeigene virtuelle Welt, die neben einer Bühne mit Auditorium weitere Örtlichkeiten wie ein Campfire Island und einen Clubkeller zu bieten hatte.

Decentralized Storytelling – where AI, the blockchain and metaverse intersect

Lance Weiler

We find ourselves in a unique moment where traditional systems are being decentralized. From banking to retail to education to entertainment – consumers, students, and fans are taking control. The blockchain is ushering in new opportunities for storytelling, collecting, and the monetization of digital assets. This combined with advancements in AI, gaming engines and mixed reality-based technologies is giving rise to the metaverse – a collective shared space that has the potential to bridge the virtual and the physical in unexpected and powerful ways.  

Creative Artificial Intelligence

Vladimir Alexeev

Can AI be creative? Can machines dream? And what does that mean for transmedia storytelling? Vladimir Alexeev (aka Merzmensch) explores these topics with theoretical and practical approaches. In his talk, he demonstrates the creative capabilities of AI in its state of the art.  

Schon gewusst?
Die X-NIGHT ist eine Auskopplung der IMMERSIVE X und findet monatlich in AltspaceVR statt.
Mehr erfahren!

Freitag, 5. November 2021

Immersive Podcasts

Stephanie Bagehorn, Bettina Halstrick, Philipp Reinartz

Die Zeiten, in denen Podcasts ein Nischendasein fristeten, sind lange vorbei. Inzwischen erreichen erzählerische Audio-Formate im Fiction- und Non-Fiction-Bereich ein Millionenpublikum. Das macht das Medium auch für Unternehmen und Marken interessant. Welche Inhalte eignen sich für Podcasts und wie müssen sie erzählt und produziert werden, so dass Hörende in die Geschichten eintauchen?

Starke Marken, digital erzählt: Immersive Story- und Markenwelten für Kinder

Christina M. Schollerer, Antonia Simm, Johannes Wagner

Wie erreiche ich mit meinen Geschichten und Marken die junge Zielgruppe? Was zeichnet gutes Erzählen für Kinder im digitalen Raum aus? Und wie kann ich mit Digital-Formaten Erzähl- und Markenwelten erweitern und stärken? Mit ihren Panelisten Antonia Simm und Johannes Wagner geht sie der Frage nach, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen das digitale Erzählen für Kinder mit sich bringt – für Macher:innen, Marken und die Zielgruppe.

Brands in Social VR

Thomas Zorbach, Carsten Senz, Sven Heitsch

Welche Zielgruppen können in Social-VR effektiv erreicht werden? Welche Ressourcen werden für die Planung und Durchführung von Maßnahmen benötigt? Und was sind die entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren in der Virtual Reality? Dieses Panel präsentiert aktuelle Fallstudien und Praxiswissen von erfahrenen Experten: Carsten Senz von Huawei und Sven Heitsch von Siemens Gamesa.


Stephanie Bagehorn, Christina M. Schollerer, Thomas Zorbach

Stephanie Bagehorn (Podcast), Christina M. Schollerer (Sorytelling) und Thomas Zorbach (Brands) ziehen ein Resümee zu ihren Sessions. 

Connection & Co-Creation in the Metaverse

Anne Seubert, Colleen Curtis, Manouchehr Shamsrizi

Trust is the foundation of our relationships and communities. Virtual realities – whether 2D in zoom spaces or collaborative tools or 3D in virtual worlds like Altspace VR or games create spaces and first steps on our way to the metaverse. Here, the relationships and experiences can be participatory and increasingly immersive according to new rules. Undoubtedly, this is a challenging learning field, but also a wonderful opportunity to further develop the community concepts that already exist. After all, we live in an era of post-individualization, in which it is becoming increasingly important to build platforms for shared value creation. This applies both within the company and outside the organization.

Relax and Listen – Die Magie des Klangs

Dr. Gerhard Huhn, John Groves

Storytelling mit Klang. Wie schafft man mit ein paar Tönen, Lauten, Musikjingles unvergessliche Eindrücke,  Assoziationen und Verbindungen mit einem Produkt, einem Unternehmen allein über das Ohr? Dr. Gerhard Huhn führt mit John Groves, einem Pionier und Meister dieses ganz speziellen, aber doch allgegenwärtigen Marketing-Elements, in die Geheimnisse der nonverbalen Markenkommunikation mit Klangwelten ein. 

Virtual Creativity: Kann uns VR kreativer machen?

Christopher Werth, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Borkmann

Christopher Werth zeigt, wie man mit verschiedenen Anwendungen und dem gezielten Wechsel von Räumlichkeiten VR in den einzelnen Schritten des Kreativprozesses als produktiven Booster einsetzen kann, um neue Ideen zu entwickeln. Wissenschaftlich unterfüttert wird das Ganze durch Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Borkmann, die über den Einfluss von Räumen auf den Kreativprozess geforscht hat.

A Playful Future

Oliver Hoffmann, Tommy Honton

The pandemic has changed our ways. That is especially true for the way we play and the way in which we immerse ourselves in playful content. What will remain once we reach a “new  normal”? What new changes should we expect? And what happens at the intersection between marketing and playfulness?

A look into the crystal ball from both sides of the Atlantic.

What’s now? Strategisches Denken für eine (post)-pandemische Zeit

Thomas Zorbach

Das klassische Strategiedenken geht von stabilen Verhältnissen aus, in der Zielszenarien nicht nur klar definierbar, sondern auch planbar sind. Doch nicht nur die Erfahrung der Pandemie hat gezeigt: Die Planspiele von Management und Marketing sind in einer immer komplexer werdenden Welt disruptiven und unvorhersehbaren Veränderungen unterworfen. Welche alternativen strategischen Denk- und Handlungsansätze jenseits des klassischen Planungsparadigmas gibt es? Wie muss eine Organisation aufgestellt sein, um sich auf mögliche, ungewisse Zukünfte vorzubereiten? Welche Fähigkeiten und Werte sind hilfreich?


Anne Seubert, Dr. Gerhard Huhn, Oliver Hoffmann

Zum Abschluss der Konferenz sprechen die Moderator*innen des Nachmittags, Anne Seubert (Community), Dr. Gerhard Huhn (Science) und Oliver Hoffmann (Games), über ihre Sessions und blicken auf den Tag zurück. 

Speaker 2021

Lance Weiler

Co-Founder and Director Columbia University School of the Arts Digital Storytelling Lab

Björn Ognibeni

CoFounder & XRLab@MCM

Carsten Senz

Vice President Corporate Communications Huawei Deutschland

Sven Heitsch

Chief Digital Officer Siemens Gamesa

Antonia Simm

Megaherz GmbH Producerin & Regisseurin

Johannes Wagner

Leiter Innovation bei der Versicherungskammer Bayern und Vorstand im InsurTech Hub Munich, Innovationszentrum der europäischen Versicherungsindustrie

Bettina Halstrick


Rolf Meßmer

Chief Marketing Officer, RAUM

Manouchehr Shamsrizi


Colleen Curtis

Head of Community, Miro

John Groves

Komponist und Musiker

Prof. Dr. Vanessa Borkmann

Head of FutureHotel & Future Museum, Fraunhofer Institut

Tommy Honton

Writer and Experience Designer

Jussi Havu

CEO, Glue Collaboration

Vladimir Alexeev

Digital Experience Specialist, DB Schenker

Christina M. Schollerer

Gründerin StoryDesign.Studio und Leiterin Wettbewerb DIGITAL beim Goldenen Spatz

Stephanie Bagehorn

Brandmanagerin, vm-people GmbH

Anne Seubert

Gründerin Brands & Places

Dr. Gerhard Huhn

Mitgründer und Leiter Flow Academy

Christopher Werth

Director Strategy & Concept, VOK DAMS worldwide

Oliver Hoffmann

Game Maker

Thomas Zorbach

Gründer & geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, vm-people GmbH

Klaus Lemm

New Technology Experiencer

Sean Keogh

Consultant for Digitalisation, headroom

Daniel Schaefer

Consultant for Remote Work, headroom

Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau

Academic Director of XRLab@MCM

Nilusha Aliman

Research Executive of XRLab@MCM

Daniel Dyboski-Bryant

Founder Director of Educators in VR

Sebastian Kühne

Chief Design Officer, RAUM

Moderation 2021

Philipp Reinartz

Philipp Reinartz ist Unternehmer, Autor und Moderator. Er ist Mitgründer der Gamification-Agentur Pfeffermind und des größten deutschen Escape-Game-Anbieters. Daneben schreibt er Romane, moderiert und entwickelt Serien- und TV-Formate (Audible, Sky).


MAR 8, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

VR for Social Change

The Africa VR Campus and Center is a grassroots tech organization dedicated to empowering the underprivileged and nurturing talent in remote areas, fostering Metaverse growth across Africa. The organization introduces learners of all ages to emerging technologies, providing VR/XR/AR devices to promote diverse African Metaverse participation. The initiative includes weekly events from an African perspective and a development project aimed at creating an open-source VR OS and apps, ensuring free access for Africans to express themselves.


In this session, Paul shares his story and offers insights into Africa’s role in the future of immersive tech and beyond. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of his students and talk about the learner’s perspective.


Panel and Presentation





Paul Simon Waiyaki
CEO and Founder at Africa VR Campus and Center

Paul Simon Waiyaki’s journey began with VOFCIN in 2012, addressing challenges for African children. In 2014, he entered real estate to boost African growth. In 2016 he became the first African in VR and pioneered the technology by founding the The Africa VR Campus and Center. In 2019, he hosted mainstream MetaVerse event hosted live from Africa. In 2022, he launched VR & Space programs customized for the African Learner.


MAR 9, 2024
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST

Art and Science in the Metaverse: Unleashing the Power of the VR Experience

This is the story of a team of passionate artists and developers who decided to bring a whole new value to the Metaverse, where visual art and science converge to create a transcendental experience.

The audience will be exposed to stunning artworks created by VR artist ShuShu VR and 3D artist Niko Lang, two of the most talented creators currently developing concepts in social VR platforms.

The Overview Effect Experience is an immersive cinematic simulation of the phenomenon defined by space philosopher Professor Frank White in his work “The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution“.
Here we take the position of humankind as we try to understand the precious value of our planet and how we can help Earth and ourselves survive in a better way.

The project was awarded the Honorable Mentions at the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles.

We are delighted to welcome our honorable guests to the Virtual Reality event: Professor Frank White, Tom Nickel and Jeremy Nickel.

Design concept: VRium Creative Team
Producer: Nanea Reeves and TRIPP
Sound Design: David Starfire
Narrator: Space philosopher Frank White
Creative Director: Jeremy Nickel
VR Stream Filmmaker: Carlos Austin

Nymphs is an epic theatrical artwork performed by monumental art dolls. A holodramatic theater of love and death, submerged in an amorous yet lethal underwater dream.

The project was awarded Best Virtual Reality Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival and the Discovery Award at the Raindance Immersive Festival.





VRChat | Theatrum Anatomicum


VR Theatre Artist

ShuShu’s greatest passion is art and the emotional experience it brings to our life. Throughout his career, he has gained professional experience in various fields of the arts. He decided to “immerse” himself in the Metaverse, where all the disciplines he has mastered come together in harmony. His vision is to create a new Akropolis of the Arts in the Metaverse. He has founded a team of artists – the VRium Creative Team. So far, his team has created VR experiences that have won awards at several film festivals.

Niko Lang
IT-Consultant and 3D-Artist

Niko Lang is an IT consultant, 3D artist and a long-time wanderer between different realities. The worlds he creates shape our understanding of the sphere that may one day make the metaverse a reality. 


MAR 10, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Dragon Magic: Freedom Giants

Juliana Loh and Mada de Leeuw cordially invite you to embark on a journey of awe and wonder into the jaws of a dragon within their award-winning VR project, Dragon Magic: Freedom Giants. Meticulously hand-painted and optimized on the EngageXR platform, each facet of the world offers a truly distinctive perspective on VR design possibilities. Like layers of an onion, the story unfolds, celebrating diverse cultures and inspiring you to dream bigger.

Featured on prestigious platforms such as Raindance Immersive, Fivars, and Viff Signals, including the 2023 Passive Immersive Prize at AUSTXR Festival, their creations aim to mesmerize and inspire. Join this session and immerse yourself in our visionary world.







Juliana Loh
Creative Technologist

Juliana is a creative technologist who is passionate about imagining meaningful and playful scenarios. Since 2020, she has been recognized for vision, excellence in creativity and design as a nominee in various global XR Film Festivals and XR Creator Lists. In 2023, she was honored to have been awarded the Passive Immersive Award granted by AUSTXR Festival for her team’s 2023 VR experience entitled: Dragon Magic, Freedom Giants. Her works have also been included in various performances including live painting at the The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Science World Vancouver (Creative Technology Gallery) and public art exhibitions. She has been a member of the Siggraph jury since 2022 and is currently experimenting with AI as an agent of positive change as well as embarking on experiential projects such as Spark and Sound 2024 XR choreographed performance.

Mada de Leeuw
Production and Development

Innovative Digital Artist and VR World Creator harnessing the fusion of creativity and cutting-edge technology, Mada is a digital artist specializing in the creation of immersive 3D models for digital experiences and interactive virtual worlds. With over a decade of expertise acquired at Daz3D, she excels in producing top-tier 3D models, a skill that is very valuable in designing and optimizing captivating VR environments and interactive experiences. In addition to artistic talents, she possesses a wealth of experience in project management and art direction within the publishing industry, allowing her to effectively oversee and guide creative endeavors.


MAR 11, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Unlock Our Potential: PlayRoomSX and the VR Somatic Experience

Mystery and magic call to you. Can you follow this song? Drop your mind into your body and become more aware of your dreams and desires.

The Metaverse offers entirely new modes of creative expression and interactivity and as we enter the age of digital relationships – PlayRoomSX is the new erotic playground – where we unlock our potential as multi-dimensional human beings living in a magnificently sensual body.

VenusSX is a VR somatic educator and coach providing pathways to freedom from social and cultural conditioning through educational events, workshops and parties in sensational virtual fantasy worlds.

In the first part of our event, we dive into the enchanted beauty and sensuality of Elysium, a Tantric Meditation Space.

Discover underwater secrets, gigantic glowing flowers in the moonlight, at the Lake of the Goddess, the Home of Peace.

Breathe, fly and play in this magical world of freedom.

During the second part of our event, you witness Elysium pulsating with love as we reveal the empowerment of somatic experiential learning in a facilitated environment.

Do not miss the mind-blowing surprise and our VR dance party experience!

World Design by VRium Creative Team

Custom Avatar by WingZeroCreations





VRChat | Elysium


Virtual Sensory Designer

Meet VenusSX, she who comes from the Empire of Love. Venus is excited to be discovering the potential of VR to gain somatic awareness and to improve communications in all our relationships.

She is the founder of PlayRoomSX, a digital community of real adults providing a safe space to meet and share with each other. A pleasure advocate and a sexuality therapist and coach, she is on a mission to unlock human potential with simple conversations and events that stimulate and invigorate us, so that we are enlightened about what connects us and pleasures us.


MAR 7, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

How XR is Transforming the Concert and Entertainment Industry

The future of live concerts, sport events, and conferences will be shaped by advancements in Web3, XR technology, 5G, and bold entrepreneurs who understand how to use them. At the same time, technologies such as spatial computing, AR glasses, volumetric and motion capture, holograms, AI, digital twins, VR, avatars, blockchain, and crypto will revolutionize entertainment. Artists can extend their live performances, venues and promoters can expand ticket sales and marketing opportunities, and attendees can experience concerts in revolutionary ways.

In a conversation with XR pioneer Celeste Lear, we will explore the immersive future of the entertainment industry, followed by a live DJ performance in the VR venue Club Violet, hosted by VenusSX.


Talk & Live-DJ-Set





Celeste Lear
Immersive Tech Specialist in Entertainment & Concerts

Celeste Lear is a Los Angeles based professional with two decades of discipline in the digital entertainment, XR tech and audio/visual world. She has led and worked with world-renowned production teams to consistently deliver well planned and executed futuristic events, including high-tech multimedia installation experiences, video mapping, conferences, immersive festivals, red carpet events and concerts – both physically and in VR in the “metaverse”.

Founder of Boutique Electronique Music and partner with DreamlandXR & Metacities, her work also focuses on the most current technologies and trends in VR, AR, hologram, holoportation, AV, sound engineering, spatial audio, performance, music curation, music direction and live video/audio broadcasting for concerts and entertainment.

Also experienced in virtual filmmaking, Celeste has worked on various LED stage and MoCap projects as production manager and coordinator.

She has a particular passion for projects around environmental sustainability, human connection and the arts, and has worked on exciting projects for the UN, including serving as executive producer on the ActnowXR campaign for the SDGs.


NOV 30, 2023
08:30 PM – 10:00 PM CET

Tantric Whispers in VR Heaven

Be guided on a relaxing sensory journey with VenusSX through Elysium, the only VR tantric meditation space. The mystery and the magick calls to you. Do you want to discover the hidden treasures in VR Heaven?

Dive into a world that transcends physical reality as we explore how the sacred tantric union illuminated in Elysium affords the positive grounded emotional mood.

Drop your mind into your body. This is a somatic experience, becoming aware of your breath and the subtle sensations inside your body.

Enter PlayRoomSX, the next digital erotic playground where we learn to engage in this Metaverse of freedom of self-expression

I am able to provide specialized experiences in VRChat.





VRChat | Elysium


Virtual Sensory Designer

Meet VenusSX, she who comes from the Empire of Love. Venus is excited to be discovering the potential of VR to gain somatic awareness and to improve communications in all our relationships.

She is the founder of PlayRoomSX, a digital community of real adults providing a safe space to meet and share with each other. A pleasure advocate and a sexuality therapist and coach, she is on a mission to unlock human potential with simple conversations and events that stimulate and invigorate us, so that we are enlightened about what connects us and pleasures us.


NOV 30, 2023
10:00 PM – 00:00 AM CET


Whether fine or coarse, whether from Nuremberg or Thuringia, bratwursts from Germany are a hit in their own right. But that’s nothing compared to the Bratwurst Parties, a legendary series of events organised by our dear friends Mel and Klaus. Pimp your avatar, dip it in delicious ketchup or mustard and become part of the Bratwurst crowd!



