Thursday, 14.00 - 15.00
eXperimental Reality Lab
Can the Metaverse save education?
In a globalized world, education has become the critical source for growth and prosperity, but access to it is highly skewed between different parts of Earth’s population and even within many societies. In addition, digital transformation requires new skills and kinds of knowledge that traditional analogue teaching methods are unable to provide. We will discuss what role VR and the “Metaverse” can play to address these fundamental educational challenges. How can VR facilitate students’ learning experience? Will the use of VR in education further widen the societal gap because of the associated costs – or diminish it by making travel redundant? What are implementation barriers for the use of VR in education? Join us to explore these pressing issues!
Presented by
Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau
Academic Director of XRLab@MCM
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau alias “ProfTHT” serves as Academic Director of the XRLab@MCM. He holds the Chair for Marketing & Media Research at the Marketing Center and oversees the university’s M.B.A. in Marketing program. He is consistently ranked as one of Germany’s leading business scholar; the Stanford study in PLOS lists him among the Top 100 most impactful marketing scholars globally. Thorsten’s work studies the digital economy and has been honored with a number of awards, including a Lifetime Award for Published Scholarly Contributions from the UCLA and the JAMS Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award in both 2015 and 2018.
Daniel Dyboski-Bryant
Founder Director Educators of in VR
Daniel Dyboski-Bryant specializes in making XR positive and meaningful to communities, educators, learners and families around the globe. He’s a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion and his mission lies in harnessing people, communities, technologies and resources to inspire collaboration, common purpose and creative solutions to global and local challenges.
As Assistant Executive Director at Virtual World Society he leads the mission for a global XR for Good community and ecosystem and heads the HomeSpark project which supports families around the world to embrace XR and the metaverse in positive and rewarding ways. HomeSpark connects families wherever they are and empowers them to meet, learn, create together as well as gain skills for a to gain from and contribute to our changing future.
As Founder Director of Educators in VR he empowers a global community of educators, trainers and learners who meet, share and collaborate in and with VR by developing and providing XR training, virtual events, resources and global immersive conferences. He’s working hard to democratize the next paradigm of learning and education.
Nilusha Aliman
Research Executive of XRLab@MCM
Nilusha Aliman is Research Executive at the XRLab@MCM. She is a doctoral student at the Chair of Marketing & Media Research at the Marketing Center Münster. Before joining the MCM, she studied business and marketing at the Catholic University Ingolstadt-Eichstätt, Germany, and Toulouse School of Management, France.