Program 2021

Wedndesday, 3 November 2021





Thursday, 4 November 2021






18.00 - 19.30 | Check-In


19.30 - 20.00 | Opening


20.00 – 20.45 | Keynote (2D)

Lance Weiler - Decentralized Storytelling – where AI, the blockchain and metaverse intersect


21.00 – 21.45 | Artificial Intelligence (VR)

Creative Artificial Intelligence

21.00 – 22.00 | Miss Jezebel (2D)

Theatric Escape Game Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="jez-1"]

21.45 – 22.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Artificial Intelligence


22.00 – 23.30 | Project Immerse (2D)

Deepfake Paranoid Thriller Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="proj-1"]

Friday, 5 November 2021






8.30 - 9.30 | Check-In


9.30 - 10.00 | Warm-Up


10.00 – 11.00 | Guided Tour (VR)

Exploring Social VR
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="tour-1"]

10.45 - 11.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Immersive Podcasts


11.00 – 11.45 | Storytelling (2D)

Starke Marken, digital erzählt: Immersive Story- und Markenwelten für Kinder

11.00 – 12.00 | Virtual Creativity (VR)

[ix_booking type="in-program" session="raum-1"]

11.45 - 12.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Starke Marken, digital erzählt: Immersive Story- und Markenwelten für Kinder


12.45 - 13.00 | Wrap-up


13.00 - 14.00 | Lunch Break
13.00 - 13.45 | Meet-up (VR)

Brands in Social VR


14.00 – 14.45 | Community (VR)

Connection & Co-Creation in the Metaverse

14.00 – 15.00 | Virtual Collaboration (VR)

[ix_booking type="in-program" session="glue-1"]

14.45 - 15.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Connection & Co-Creation in the Metaverse


15.00 – 15.45 | Science (Audio)

Relax and Listen – Die Magie des Klangs

15.00 – 16.00 | Guided Tour (VR)

Exploring Social VR
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="tour-2"]

15.45 - 16.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Relax and Listen – Die Magie des Klangs


16.00 – 16.45 | Creativity (VR)

Virtual Creativity: Kann uns VR kreativer machen?

16.45 - 17.30 | Meet-up (VR)

Virtual Creativity: Kann uns VR kreativer machen?


17.00 – 18.00 | Miss Jezebel (2D)

Theatric Escape Game Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="jez-2"]

17.45 - 18.30 | Meet-up (VR)

A Playful Future


18.00 – 18.30 | Closing note (VR)

Thomas Zorbach - What's now? Strategic thinking for a (post)-pandemic era

18.30 - 18.45 | Wrap-Up
18.30 – 19.30 | Miss Jezebel (2D)

Theatric Escape Game Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="jez-3"]



20.00 – 21.00 | Miss Jezebel (2D)

Theatric Escape Game Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="jez-4"]


21.30 – 22.30 | Miss Jezebel (2D)

Theatric Escape Game Experience
[ix_booking type="in-program" session="jez-5"]


Speakers 2021


Lance Weiler

Co-Founder and Director Columbia University School of the Arts Digital Storytelling Lab


Björn Ognibeni

Co-Founder & XRLab&MCM


Carsten Senz

Vice President Corporate Communications Huawei Deutschland


Sven Heitsch

Chief Digital Officer Siemens Gamesa


Antonia Simm

Megaherz GmbH Producer & Director

Profil JW

Johannes Wagner

Head of Startup Cooperation, Versicherungskammer and Member of the Board at InsurTech Hub Munich

Bettina Halstrick

Bettina Halstrick

Podcast format developer


Rolf Meßmer

Chief Marketing Officer, RAUM


Manouchehr Shamsrizi

RetroBrain Founder


Colleen Curtis

Head of Community, Miro

John Groves

John Groves

Composer and musician

Vanessa Borkmann

Prof. Dr. Vanessa Borkmann

Head of FutureHotel & Future Museum, Fraunhofer Institut

Sample Remap

Tommy Honton

Writer and Experience Designer


Jussi Havu

CEO, Glue Collaboration


Vladimir Alexeev

Digital Experience Specialist, DB Schenker

CMSchollerer Wien

Christina M. Schollerer

Founder of StoryDesign.Studio and head of the DIGITAL competition at the Golden Sparrow Awards


Stephanie Bagehorn

Brandmanager, vm-people GmbH


Anne Seubert

Founder Brands & Places

GH -Christoph 44 bearb

Dr. Gerhard Huhn

Co-Founder and Head of Flow Academy


Christopher Werth

Director Strategy & Concept, VOK DAMS worldwide

Oliver für Immersive X-square512

Oliver Hoffmann

Game Maker


Thomas Zorbach

Founder & Managing Partner, vm-people GmbH

Klaus Lemm

Klaus Lemm

New Technology Experiencer


Sean Keogh

Consultant for Digitalisation, headroom


Daniel Schaefer

Consultant for Remote Work, headroom


Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau

Academic Director of XRLab@MCM


Nilusha Aliman

Research Executive of XRLab@MCM


Daniel Dyboski-Bryant

Founder Director Educators of in VR


Sebastian Kühne

Chief Design Officer, RAUM

Moderation 2021

Philipp Reinartz

Philipp Reinartz is an entrepreneur, author and moderator. He is co-founder of the gamification agency Pfeffermind and Germany's largest escape game provider. He also writes novels, hosts and develops series and TV formats (Audible, Sky).


MAR 8, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

VR for Social Change

The Africa VR Campus and Center is a grassroots tech organization dedicated to empowering the underprivileged and nurturing talent in remote areas, fostering Metaverse growth across Africa. The organization introduces learners of all ages to emerging technologies, providing VR/XR/AR devices to promote diverse African Metaverse participation. The initiative includes weekly events from an African perspective and a development project aimed at creating an open-source VR OS and apps, ensuring free access for Africans to express themselves.


In this session, Paul shares his story and offers insights into Africa’s role in the future of immersive tech and beyond. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of his students and talk about the learner’s perspective.


Panel and Presentation





Paul Simon Waiyaki
CEO and Founder at Africa VR Campus and Center

Paul Simon Waiyaki’s journey began with VOFCIN in 2012, addressing challenges for African children. In 2014, he entered real estate to boost African growth. In 2016 he became the first African in VR and pioneered the technology by founding the The Africa VR Campus and Center. In 2019, he hosted mainstream MetaVerse event hosted live from Africa. In 2022, he launched VR & Space programs customized for the African Learner.


MAR 9, 2024
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST

Art and Science in the Metaverse: Unleashing the Power of the VR Experience

This is the story of a team of passionate artists and developers who decided to bring a whole new value to the Metaverse, where visual art and science converge to create a transcendental experience.

The audience will be exposed to stunning artworks created by VR artist ShuShu VR and 3D artist Niko Lang, two of the most talented creators currently developing concepts in social VR platforms.

The Overview Effect Experience is an immersive cinematic simulation of the phenomenon defined by space philosopher Professor Frank White in his work “The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution“.
Here we take the position of humankind as we try to understand the precious value of our planet and how we can help Earth and ourselves survive in a better way.

The project was awarded the Honorable Mentions at the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles.

We are delighted to welcome our honorable guests to the Virtual Reality event: Professor Frank White, Tom Nickel and Jeremy Nickel.

Design concept: VRium Creative Team
Producer: Nanea Reeves and TRIPP
Sound Design: David Starfire
Narrator: Space philosopher Frank White
Creative Director: Jeremy Nickel
VR Stream Filmmaker: Carlos Austin

Nymphs is an epic theatrical artwork performed by monumental art dolls. A holodramatic theater of love and death, submerged in an amorous yet lethal underwater dream.

The project was awarded Best Virtual Reality Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival and the Discovery Award at the Raindance Immersive Festival.





VRChat | Theatrum Anatomicum


VR Theatre Artist

ShuShu’s greatest passion is art and the emotional experience it brings to our life. Throughout his career, he has gained professional experience in various fields of the arts. He decided to “immerse” himself in the Metaverse, where all the disciplines he has mastered come together in harmony. His vision is to create a new Akropolis of the Arts in the Metaverse. He has founded a team of artists – the VRium Creative Team. So far, his team has created VR experiences that have won awards at several film festivals.

Niko Lang
IT-Consultant and 3D-Artist

Niko Lang is an IT consultant, 3D artist and a long-time wanderer between different realities. The worlds he creates shape our understanding of the sphere that may one day make the metaverse a reality. 


MAR 10, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Dragon Magic: Freedom Giants

Juliana Loh and Mada de Leeuw cordially invite you to embark on a journey of awe and wonder into the jaws of a dragon within their award-winning VR project, Dragon Magic: Freedom Giants. Meticulously hand-painted and optimized on the EngageXR platform, each facet of the world offers a truly distinctive perspective on VR design possibilities. Like layers of an onion, the story unfolds, celebrating diverse cultures and inspiring you to dream bigger.

Featured on prestigious platforms such as Raindance Immersive, Fivars, and Viff Signals, including the 2023 Passive Immersive Prize at AUSTXR Festival, their creations aim to mesmerize and inspire. Join this session and immerse yourself in our visionary world.







Juliana Loh
Creative Technologist

Juliana is a creative technologist who is passionate about imagining meaningful and playful scenarios. Since 2020, she has been recognized for vision, excellence in creativity and design as a nominee in various global XR Film Festivals and XR Creator Lists. In 2023, she was honored to have been awarded the Passive Immersive Award granted by AUSTXR Festival for her team’s 2023 VR experience entitled: Dragon Magic, Freedom Giants. Her works have also been included in various performances including live painting at the The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Science World Vancouver (Creative Technology Gallery) and public art exhibitions. She has been a member of the Siggraph jury since 2022 and is currently experimenting with AI as an agent of positive change as well as embarking on experiential projects such as Spark and Sound 2024 XR choreographed performance.

Mada de Leeuw
Production and Development

Innovative Digital Artist and VR World Creator harnessing the fusion of creativity and cutting-edge technology, Mada is a digital artist specializing in the creation of immersive 3D models for digital experiences and interactive virtual worlds. With over a decade of expertise acquired at Daz3D, she excels in producing top-tier 3D models, a skill that is very valuable in designing and optimizing captivating VR environments and interactive experiences. In addition to artistic talents, she possesses a wealth of experience in project management and art direction within the publishing industry, allowing her to effectively oversee and guide creative endeavors.


MAR 11, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Unlock Our Potential: PlayRoomSX and the VR Somatic Experience

Mystery and magic call to you. Can you follow this song? Drop your mind into your body and become more aware of your dreams and desires.

The Metaverse offers entirely new modes of creative expression and interactivity and as we enter the age of digital relationships – PlayRoomSX is the new erotic playground – where we unlock our potential as multi-dimensional human beings living in a magnificently sensual body.

VenusSX is a VR somatic educator and coach providing pathways to freedom from social and cultural conditioning through educational events, workshops and parties in sensational virtual fantasy worlds.

In the first part of our event, we dive into the enchanted beauty and sensuality of Elysium, a Tantric Meditation Space.

Discover underwater secrets, gigantic glowing flowers in the moonlight, at the Lake of the Goddess, the Home of Peace.

Breathe, fly and play in this magical world of freedom.

During the second part of our event, you witness Elysium pulsating with love as we reveal the empowerment of somatic experiential learning in a facilitated environment.

Do not miss the mind-blowing surprise and our VR dance party experience!

World Design by VRium Creative Team

Custom Avatar by WingZeroCreations





VRChat | Elysium


Virtual Sensory Designer

Meet VenusSX, she who comes from the Empire of Love. Venus is excited to be discovering the potential of VR to gain somatic awareness and to improve communications in all our relationships.

She is the founder of PlayRoomSX, a digital community of real adults providing a safe space to meet and share with each other. A pleasure advocate and a sexuality therapist and coach, she is on a mission to unlock human potential with simple conversations and events that stimulate and invigorate us, so that we are enlightened about what connects us and pleasures us.


MAR 7, 2024
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

How XR is Transforming the Concert and Entertainment Industry

The future of live concerts, sport events, and conferences will be shaped by advancements in Web3, XR technology, 5G, and bold entrepreneurs who understand how to use them. At the same time, technologies such as spatial computing, AR glasses, volumetric and motion capture, holograms, AI, digital twins, VR, avatars, blockchain, and crypto will revolutionize entertainment. Artists can extend their live performances, venues and promoters can expand ticket sales and marketing opportunities, and attendees can experience concerts in revolutionary ways.

In a conversation with XR pioneer Celeste Lear, we will explore the immersive future of the entertainment industry, followed by a live DJ performance in the VR venue Club Violet, hosted by VenusSX.


Talk & Live-DJ-Set





Celeste Lear
Immersive Tech Specialist in Entertainment & Concerts

Celeste Lear is a Los Angeles based professional with two decades of discipline in the digital entertainment, XR tech and audio/visual world. She has led and worked with world-renowned production teams to consistently deliver well planned and executed futuristic events, including high-tech multimedia installation experiences, video mapping, conferences, immersive festivals, red carpet events and concerts – both physically and in VR in the “metaverse”.

Founder of Boutique Electronique Music and partner with DreamlandXR & Metacities, her work also focuses on the most current technologies and trends in VR, AR, hologram, holoportation, AV, sound engineering, spatial audio, performance, music curation, music direction and live video/audio broadcasting for concerts and entertainment.

Also experienced in virtual filmmaking, Celeste has worked on various LED stage and MoCap projects as production manager and coordinator.

She has a particular passion for projects around environmental sustainability, human connection and the arts, and has worked on exciting projects for the UN, including serving as executive producer on the ActnowXR campaign for the SDGs.


NOV 30, 2023
08:30 PM – 10:00 PM CET

Tantric Whispers in VR Heaven

Be guided on a relaxing sensory journey with VenusSX through Elysium, the only VR tantric meditation space. The mystery and the magick calls to you. Do you want to discover the hidden treasures in VR Heaven?

Dive into a world that transcends physical reality as we explore how the sacred tantric union illuminated in Elysium affords the positive grounded emotional mood.

Drop your mind into your body. This is a somatic experience, becoming aware of your breath and the subtle sensations inside your body.

Enter PlayRoomSX, the next digital erotic playground where we learn to engage in this Metaverse of freedom of self-expression

I am able to provide specialized experiences in VRChat.





VRChat | Elysium


Virtual Sensory Designer

Meet VenusSX, she who comes from the Empire of Love. Venus is excited to be discovering the potential of VR to gain somatic awareness and to improve communications in all our relationships.

She is the founder of PlayRoomSX, a digital community of real adults providing a safe space to meet and share with each other. A pleasure advocate and a sexuality therapist and coach, she is on a mission to unlock human potential with simple conversations and events that stimulate and invigorate us, so that we are enlightened about what connects us and pleasures us.


NOV 30, 2023
10:00 PM – 00:00 AM CET


Whether fine or coarse, whether from Nuremberg or Thuringia, bratwursts from Germany are a hit in their own right. But that’s nothing compared to the Bratwurst Parties, a legendary series of events organised by our dear friends Mel and Klaus. Pimp your avatar, dip it in delicious ketchup or mustard and become part of the Bratwurst crowd!







NOV 29, 2023
06:00 PM – 06:30 PM CET

The Future is Spatial

After reports of mass layoffs and billion-dollar losses at Meta and Microsoft’s decision to shut down the social #VR community Altspace, there was a general sense of gloom in the spiral arms and spheres of what is often abbreviated as the #Metaverse in early 2023. However, with the introduction of Apple ‘s Vision Pro and the launch of the Quest 3, the mood seems to have changed. Is the three-dimensional, walkable Internet coming, and if so, when? In a conversation with Anne Seubert, journalist and podcaster Thomas Riedel takes an inspiring look at our spatial future.







Thomas Riedel
Journalist & Podcaster at Spatial Realities

Thomas Riedel is a freelance tech journalist, podcast producer, father and moderator based in Cologne, Germany. He has worked for, Digitale Leute and Mediencluster NRW as communications officer and event manager for Gamescom and DMEXCO. He currently produces and hosts Germany’s largest Metaverse and XR podcast “Spatial Realities”, the Apple Vision Pro podcast “Beyond Reality” and the largest XR meetup in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the podcast “FutureFuture” he discusses future stories with experts from all fields. As a speaker on the topics of Metaverse, startups and digitalization, Riedel appears regularly on podcasts, meetups, conferences and as a tech expert on live TV.

Anne Seubert
Managing Director at Brands & Places

Anne Seubert is founder of the strategy consultancy Brands & Places, mentor, moderator and since 2020 Program Director at the non-profit Common Purpose Deutschland GmbH. As an experienced leader, passionate incubator and accomplished process facilitator, Anne Seubert shapes change and builds communities. For 15 years, she has been supporting companies, organizations and networks to redefine their role in people’s lives in a new and relevant way, both digitally and analogously, and develops strategies, formats and platforms for this purpose – preferably immersive, participative and transformative.


NOV 30, 2023
05:00 PM – 05:30 PM CET

How immersive are virtual concerts?

As bitter as the experience of the pandemic has been, it has also unleashed creative forces in the concert business: many artists have discovered the virtual stage for themselves to be close to their audience. Memorable examples include Travis Scott’s show in Fortnite, the New Year’s concert by electro pioneer Jean Michel Jarre and the Foo Fighters’ performance in Horizon Worlds. But what effect do such digital live events have on the audience and what role do they play in a future that will be increasingly characterized by immersive technologies? In this session we take a look into the crystal ball, together with Lukas Haack, who has conducted research into this topic.







Foto: FAZ BM / Marco Urban

Lukas Haack
Sustainable Futurist

Lukas studied Media Computer Science in Dresden (DE), Linköping (SE) and Amsterdam (NL) and graduated with his master-thesis on “Virtual Immersive Concerts”. While also working as a trainer for public speaking, value-based leadership, and intercultural group dynamics, he navigated the nuances of effective communication and received a Diplomacy Award from Harvard. To Lukas, it is most important to combine diverse strengths and interests to challenge the status quo and think outside of the box.


NOV 29, 2023
03:00 PM – 03:30 PM CET

Onboarding, Overview and Orientation 

Make sure you got your headset fully charged and let’s head to AREA X, the main conference venue of IMMERSIVE X. At the beginning of the first day, we will guide you through the program, point out the specifics of a conference in VR and answer your questions. This session is especially recommended for newbies to social virtual reality and includes a short introduction to the equipment to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable conference experience.







NOV 28, 2023
07:00 PM – 08:00 PM CET

Meet the Curators and the Conference Crowd

Dress up your avatar and get ready for IMMERSIVE X! Before the conference opens its virtual gates, we want to give you a chance to get a taste of the conference atmosphere. Get to know some of the conference venues and network with other attendees over a drink in our X-Bar. We look forward to meeting you! This session is especially recommended for newbies to social virtual reality and includes a short introduction to the equipment to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable conference experience.





REMIO | Area X


NOV 30, 2023
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CET

Beyond the Physical Space: Potentials of Future Designs in Virtual Architecture

Virtual reality experiences often aim to replicate physical spaces, striving to create a sense of realism that can, however, sometimes feel deceptive and unauthentic. Abstract designs, on the other hand, are easily identifiable as virtual and can therefore be appreciated for their inherent qualities. This workshop will introduce you to the art of envisioning VR native environments that transcend physical representation. After an introduction via Zoom, participants will be able to join a tour through VRChat worlds, that propose alternative design elements. After the tour, the workshop members will collaborate to define new design archetypes of virtual architecture.



  • Introduction (Screen presentation via Zoom)
  • World Hopping (inside VRChat, parallel to Zoom call)
  • Brainstorming session (via Browser/ Miro board)
  • Wrap-up



Preferred: Meta Quest 2 or 3 Headset + VRChat App installed + VRChat Account
Alternative: VRChat via PC + VRChat Account





Zoom + VRChat


Simon Husslein
Co-Founder & Creative Director at Beyond.Place

Simon Husslein combines more than twenty years of experience in design, scenography and interior architecture, merging physical and digital worlds. He has worked in Zurich, London, Tokyo and Shanghai for various international clients, receiving numerous international awards. Since 2017, he has been a Professor of Interior Architecture at the Geneva University of Art and Design, HEAD – Genève.


NOV 30, 2023
01:30 PM – 02:00 PM CET

Open USD as the possible Future of the Metaverse?

Pixar, Apple, Nvidia, Autodesk, Blender… more than 2.800 partners worldwide support now the “metaverse standards forum”. In this session Gerd Schröder will give a short history of Open USD: “IRONMAN” in 2008, Pixar & SIGGRAPH, Apple & Nvidia, Location Anchors and the -maybe- interoperable Metaverse based on Open USD.







Gerhard Schröder
Founder and CEO at K3

Gerhard Schröder started 2012 with first immersive experience (360° video) and leads now a visual- / AR-agency focused on B2B and sales. Self-proclaimed OpenUSD ambassador in Germany since 2019.


NOV 30, 2023
06:30 PM – 07:00 PM CET

“Like tears in Rain …”

In the METAVERSE we can fly.
In beautiful sceneries, as if we were living in a dream.
It is not only our AVATAR who flies, but our MIND.
We are the souls of the Metaverse.

What is “real”?
Is the Metaverse nothing but a virtual fake, or is there something there that is deeper than anything else we have known so far?

I have dedicated my entire life to the art of THEATRE.
This “Other Space” beyond our reality, the art that can touch our heart in its deepest places.
I realised that VR is the new incarnation of the theatre.
Together with extraordinary artists, with a great passion, we created a VR theatre and lost it.
I flew up in the skies and fell down to the abyss.

Were my tears real?







ShuShu VR
VR Artist

ShuShu‘s greatest passion is art and the emotional experience it brings into our life. In the course of his career he has gained professional experience in various fields of arts.
He decided to “immerse” himself in the Metaverse, where all the disciplines he has so far mastered combine together in harmony.
His vision is to create a new akropolis of the arts in the Metaverse. He founded a team of artists – the VRium Creative Team.
So far, his team created VR experiences which were awarded in a few film festivals.



NOV 30, 2023
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM CET

TWENTY: Art at the Pool - Immersive Culture Lab in a municipal Swimming Pool

The immersive cultural laboratory project 20 //TWENTY can be experienced publicly in a virtual municipal swimming pool that was multiplied ten times. Twenty interdisciplinary artist duos from 8 nations have been given one of 10 empty pools and a backend with interactive design tools for 2D, 3D objects, multimedia forms of expression in sound and video, room and light design options, object movement effects up to water and fog to explore new ways for their art in the virtual sphere. The artists regularly leave status and process reports on a digital white board to make the process tangible for the visitor. 20 // TWENTY is a project which explores art and and the process of collaborative artmaking in digital-virtual spaces and critically examines them. The project is accompanied by a interdisciplinary board with Dr. Thea Lautenschläger (head of the Botanical Garden Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer (Cologne University of Applied Sciences), and the Belgian curator and galerist Benjamin Fleig.The project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg.

TWENTY ist ein Projekt des STADTBAD e.V. / /






Anne Müller
Artist and Musician

Anne Müller works across the spectrum of transdisciplinary arts, cultures and media and is a guest lecturer at international art and design academies. She is the initiator of the STADTBAD art forum in Brandenburg. The focus is on independent projects that integrate media in the sense of human encounter and understanding.


NOV 29, 2023
07:00 PM – 07:30 PM CET

Healthcare Metaverse: Transforming Medical Media

The MedTriX Group is a media company that is specializing in medical information for healthcare professionals and patients. MedTriX believes that immersive technologies are not only changing medicine, but also medical journalism. That’s why the company recently opened the Future World, a virtual space the invites their stakeholders into the Metaverse.

What opportunity does the Healthcare Metaverse hold for media companies? Will immersive experiences soon replace traditional methods of medical education and training? And what potential solutions arise from the use of headsets beyond the traditional print business? In this session, we not only look at the future of healthcare, but also take a journey into the human body and experience the phenomenon of hypoglycemia. 





REMIO | Future World


Ines Heitkamp
Junior Marketing Manager and Project Manager „Healthcare Metaverse Solutions by MTX“ at MedTriX Group

Ines Heitkamp has always been fascinated by new media and studied communication with focus on media management (M.A.). Since 2022, she is not only Junior Marketing Manager, but also Project Manager of MedTriX’s Healthcare Metaverse Solutions. Together with the team, she cares for new media solutions for the healthcare market in the virtual space.

Stephanie Bagehorn
Brand Manager at vm-people

As a brand manager at vm-people GmbH, Stephanie advises brand leaders on immersive brand building. After her training as a marketing communications specialist and subsequent studies in business communications, she always focuses on the question of “How?”. How do companies communicate with their target audience? How do customers become enthusiastic fans? How does a brand become an experience?


NOV 29, 2023
08:30 PM – 09:00 PM CET

VR for Mental Health

Globally poor mental health leads to approximately 8 million deaths per year. Adoption of 2D online therapy tools have accelerated during the pandemic. However, 2D online therapy is not fully engaging clients. New innovative solutions are urgently required to tackle the mental health storm that will be coming. Anomie is a VR solution that was born during the pandemic out of need. It was co-designed with creative art therapists in lockdown and has been piloting with coaches and therapists worldwide. 





REMIO | Future World


Liam Mckill
3D Artist, Virtual Reality Creativity Consultant and Co-Fonder at Anomie

When it comes to exploring new worlds, shaping them and endowing them with values, it always takes people who are curious and courageous enough to move forward. One of the people who shape the metaverse in this sense is Liam Mckill. As a freelance artist and consultant, Liam experiments and explores visual storytelling using new VR/AR technologies as a creative form. As a maker, he is interested in new technologies not only for the expansion of creative possibilities, but also for the impact of new technologies on ethical issues He has been featured on Forbes, Tech@Facebook, Engadget and more.


NOV 30, 2023
05:30 PM – 06:00 PM CET

Exploring the wild Worlds of VR Chat

VRChat is currently home to one of the largest communities in the Metaverse and is visited every day by people from all over the world. The application allows every user not only to create imaginative 3D avatars, but also to design their own virtual spaces and worlds. As a result, an entertaining and constantly growing universe is created that expands with each passing day. Under the guidance of Klaus Lemm, an active inhabitant of this hemisphere, this session will take you on a journey of discovery through the crazy worlds of VR Chat and give you a vivid impression of the possibilities offered by Social VR. 





VRChat | Various


Klaus Lemm
New Technology Experiencer

Klaus Lemm is a high-end IT consultant in the field of business consulting, system integration and outsourcing at a global service provider for IT and business processes. In his spare time he is an enthusiastic discoverer of immersive worlds and is one of the experts in the field of Social VR applications.


NOV 30, 2023
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM CET

„Creative Machines“ | AI Art Exhibition

Stephanie Meisl seeks to reduce the fear of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by using art as a means to interpret, translate and make it more accessible. In 2021, she received the Salzburg Media Art Award/Scholarship for her project “OK Computer, I want full manual control now,” which resulted in INS[AI]DE featuring DKAY, based on the famous Radiohead album. The question behind this project can also be understood as the leitmotif of her artistic work in the field of AI: How long do you let the computer control the art – until the artist herself lends a hand? At IMMERSIVE X, Stephanie will show her works for the first time in an immersive, computer-generated 3D environment.


Guided Gallery Tour



REMIO | Art Gallery


Stephanie Meisl

Stephanie Meisl has been active in the field of visual media since 1997. With a background in communication science, she began her career as a live performing visual artist and has since been at the forefront of the transition from analogue to digital media. Stephanie’s pursuit of understanding the world and its transformations, randomness, repetitions, flaws, beauty, and stories has been an ongoing journey. 
Since 2018, her research has explored the intersection of art and artificial intelligence. She co-founded “D#AVANTGARDE – new technology, art and creativity” a collective that aims to bridge new technologies, arts and society, together with Scharmien Zandi and Sarah Scherer.


NOV 30, 2023
07:15 PM – 08:30 PM CET

Talk & Live-DJ-Set: How XR is transforming the concert and entertainment industry

Made possible by combined advancements in web3, XR tech, 5G, and so many bold entrepreneurs forging this incredible path forward for us, a facet of the future of live concerts, sports & conferences will revolutionize entertainment by utilizing technology like spatial computing, AR glasses, volumetric & motion capture, hologram, AI, digital twins, VR, avatars, blockchain, crypto, etc.

Performers are becoming more able to extend their live physical performances & concert venues & promoters can extend ticket sales, marketing opportunities & attendees can experience concerts in revolutionary new ways that people can enjoy from the comfort of their own homes.

In This presentation Celeste Lear will showcase some of her exciting work in the immersive tech entertainment industry as a case study, delve into some of the most pertinent tech & predict some future trends.


Talk & Live-DJ-Set





Celeste Lear
Immersive Tech Specialist in Entertainment & Concerts

Producer, immersive tech entertainment specialist & music/sound director Celeste Lear is a Los Angeles based professional with 2 decades of discipline working within the digital entertainment, XR tech & audio/visual world. She has headed up & worked with world renown production teams to consistently turn out well planned & executed futuristic events, including, high tech multi-media installation experiences, video mapping, conferences, immersive festivals, red carpet events & concerts – both physically and in VR in the “metaverse”.

Founder of Boutique Electronique Music & partner with DreamlandXR & Metacities, her work is also centered around the most current tech and trends for VR, AR, hologram, holoportation, AV, sound engineering, spatial audio, performance, music curation, music direction and live video/audio broadcast for concerts & entertainment.

Also experienced in virtual film making, Celeste has worked on various LED stage & MoCap projects as a production manager & coordinator.

She has a special passion for projects around environmental sustainability, human connection & the arts and has worked on exciting projects for the UN including as executive producer on the ActnowXR campaign for the SDGs.


NOV 30, 2023
04:30 PM – 05:00 PM CET

The State of VR Gaming and Entertainment

Where do we stand in the end of 2023? What does it feel like to twerk on stage with Megan Thee Stallion? Why is Half-Life: Alyx, released in 2020, still one of the best VR games? And most importantly: What do young audiences think about today’s games and entertainment in VR? And what do they expect? Christopher Werth discusses these questions with an expert: his 15-year-old nephew.







Foto: Victoria Tamaschko

Christopher Werth
Chief Creative Officer at VOK DAMS

Christopher Werth is an internationally awarded expert in experiential marketing. He studied theatre directing and staged at the Schauspielhaus Bochum. After working as a copywriter at Jung von Matt and Scholz & Friends, among others, he is now Chief Creative and Metaverse Officer at the agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS worldwide. He researches metaverse and VR, writes a gaming column, and gives lectures at universities and international conferences.


NOV 30, 2023
03:30 PM – 04:00 PM CET

Enhance your Personal Brand by developing Soft-Skills in VR 

Soft skills refer to the non-technical, interpersonal abilities that determine how individuals interact with others and are crucial for personal and professional success. Experience firsthand how VR provides a unique, interactive platform for mastering the art of engaging presentations, receiving real-time feedback, and refining your public speaking prowess. We will show how we use innovative, tech-enabled teaching methods at Maastricht University to create the leaders of tomorrow’s businesses. 







Dr. Jonas Heller
Assistant Professor,  Department of Marketing & SCM, School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University - Scientific Director DEXLab

Dr. Jonas Heller, Assistant Professor at Maastricht University and Marie-Curie Fellow, specializes in Digital Marketing with a focus on Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). As a co-founder and Scientific Director of DEXLab, he explores how these technologies transform consumer experiences. His work in AR and VR has been globally recognized and he has published in leading journals such as the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Service Research, and Computers in Human Behavior.

Roberta Di Palma
PhD Candidate, Department of Marketing & SCM, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University - Lab Coordinator DEXLab

Roberta Di Palma, PhD researcher & DEXLab co-founder at Maastricht University, specializes in leveraging VR for educational and service communication training. Her work pioneers identifying VR aspects that enhance presentation skills, motivation, and performance in higher education and professional settings. Her innovative approach is redefining instructional methodologies and integrating immersive technologies to boost engagement and outcomes for students and professionals alike.


NOV 30, 2023
02:30 PM – 04:00 PM CET

IMMERSIVE Brand Building

The digitized world has fundamentally transformed the relationship between brands and people. The audience no longer views themselves solely as consumers; they desire to actively participate and co-create. In essence, they aspire to immerse themselves in the world of brands and become integral parts of it. 

What role do narratives play in altering attitudes and behavior? How should a brand’s story be presented to allow customers to perceive themselves as protagonists in this tale? What are the foundational elements of immersive brand worlds? Thus workshop not only imparts essential knowledge but also offers practical guidance for marketing implementation. 





REMIO | Beach House


Thomas Zorbach
Founder and CEO vm-people

Thomas helps brands to find and tell better stories. Together with his team at vm-people he creates immersive experiences in order to transform attitudes and behaviors. Since the pandemic hit, Thomas has become a frequent traveler of the Metaverse. Equipped with a headset and controllers, he hosts conferences, gives lectures, runs theater courses, throws parties and assists others in exploring the potential of Virtual Reality and the Metaverse for their purposes.


NOV 30, 2023
09:00 AM – 09:30 AM CET

Good Morning, Metanauts: Let's Play VR Games

In the era of New Work, the workplace is transitioning from the corporate office to the home office. While video conferencing streamlines work processes, in may not foster team cohesion. This is where social VR apps like REMIO come into play. Explore how VR games, such as Tow Defense and Team Puzzle Race, can be harnessed by companies to enhance team building and bolster their employer brand. 







Lance Powell
Product Manager at Remio

As Head of Product at Remio, Lance is exploring the potential for interpersonal engagement through VR from highly coordinated enterprise events to group hangouts. Lance’s entry into XR began in the context of education and a curiosity about its effect on human behavior, ranging from meaningful connection to the persistent problem of virtual harassment. In this vein, he leveraged the emerging ecosystem of XR labs to study this phenomena, resulting in a foundational Master’s thesis on the problem of harassment. Post-education, Lance worked on deployment of immersive hardware and developing custom VR apps for schools until finally working on the experiences on virtual platforms directly with Remio.


NOV 30, 2023
03:00 PM – 03:30 PM CET

Brand Building Through Social VR

When it comes to promising platforms for brands to connect their audiences, REMIO seems to offer a solid solution. Founded in 2020, the Social VR platform combines feel-good spaces with collaboration tools and games. In a conversation with Product Manager Lance Powell, we will learn about REMIO’s future plans and gain insights into the transformative potential of SocialVR for brands and communities. 







Lance Powell
Product Manager at Remio

As Head of Product at Remio, Lance is exploring the potential for interpersonal engagement through VR from highly coordinated enterprise events to group hangouts. Lance’s entry into XR began in the context of education and a curiosity about its effect on human behavior, ranging from meaningful connection to the persistent problem of virtual harassment. In this vein, he leveraged the emerging ecosystem of XR labs to study this phenomena, resulting in a foundational Master’s thesis on the problem of harassment. Post-education, Lance worked on deployment of immersive hardware and developing custom VR apps for schools until finally working on the experiences on virtual platforms directly with Remio.

Anne Seubert
Managing Director at Brands & Places

Anne Seubert is founder of the strategy consultancy Brands & Places, mentor, moderator and since 2020 Program Director at the non-profit Common Purpose Deutschland GmbH. As an experienced leader, passionate incubator and accomplished process facilitator, Anne Seubert shapes change and builds communities. For 15 years, she has been supporting companies, organizations and networks to redefine their role in people’s lives in a new and relevant way, both digitally and analogously, and develops strategies, formats and platforms for this purpose – preferably immersive, participative and transformative.


NOV 30, 2023
02:30 PM – 03:00 PM CET

Brands in the Metaverse

History repeating: as with Web 1.0, the Metaverse and Web 3.0 raise similar questions for brands: How do we want to be part of the new, spatial, and walkable internet? What do we want our representation in this new sphere to look like? What added value do we want to create for our audiences? Should we be first movers or is it better to wait, and see? What if it’s just hype? In this session, we will talk to two proven experts, and we are eager to hear their answers to these questions. 


Panel Discussion





Carsten Lucas
Metaverse Experience & Innovation Lead at PwC Deutschland

Carsten leads a multi-awarded brand experience, design & innovation team at PwC Germany and is part of the local metaverse core team. He has a track record of more than 20 years in creating and directing successful branding, advertising and sales experiences for big brands across all media. 

Anne Seubert
Managing Director at Brands & Places

Anne Seubert is founder of the strategy consultancy Brands & Places, mentor, moderator and since 2020 Program Director at the non-profit Common Purpose Deutschland GmbH. As an experienced leader, passionate incubator and accomplished process facilitator, Anne Seubert shapes change and builds communities. For 15 years, she has been supporting companies, organizations and networks to redefine their role in people’s lives in a new and relevant way, both digitally and analogously, and develops strategies, formats and platforms for this purpose – preferably immersive, participative and transformative.

Andreas Fraunberger
Managing Director and XR-Producer at Junge Römer

Andreas is managing partner of the Austria-based digital content studio “Junge Römer”, which implements AI and XR based projects for international companies such as Red Bull, Hilti, Rewe and many others. Together with his team he produces immersive experiences for marketing and sales. Andreas owns a PhD in Philosophy and is lecturer for AI and XR at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. Andreas is co-founder of the D#Avantgarde GenAI Creative Community.


NOV 30, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CET

From Concept To Reality: Turning Ideas Into Immersive Industry Solutions

This interactive workshop is designed to take you on an exciting journey from conceptualization to the realization of immersive industry solutions. Throughout the workshop, participants will delve into the challenges and opportunities posed by immersive technologies. We will examine how these emerging technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and 3D simulations, can reshape traditional processes and pave the way for groundbreaking innovations. Based on our best practice „CLAAS – SHOW SMART“ we’ll elaborate on how to turn projects from a concept stage into real solutions.





Zoom + REMIO | Beach House


Tobias Sievers
Creative Director at luxoom

Tobias is a creative director, lecturer and author with over 20 years’ experience in experiential design, spatial media and XR. With “Mediatecture – a handbook” he is co-author of an important study book on creative spatial media design that introduces strategic design criteria. As Senior Creative at Luxoom, he is the driving force behind a diverse portfolio of global experiential design and production projects for cultural, commercial, B2C and B2B brands.

Hannah Boose
Head of Business and Sales Development at luxoom

Hannah is driven by ideas and innovation. In her previous role as a Venture Architect, she has experienced how businesses can unlock their full potential through technology and innovation. She sees XR as a great opportunity for companies to make processes more efficient and communication more interactive. At Luxoom, she is focused on designing the business model for the XR tool, REVELATE XR. The goal is to develop a product that enables companies to implement core XR strategies and set up scalable XR projects.


NOV 30, 2023
01:00 PM – 01:30 PM CET

AI Unleashed – How will Artifical Intelligence change the event industry

Has a new era of technology begun? It feels a little like that … since the breakthrough of OpenAI, every industry is facing new challenges but also huge potentials – including the event industry. But what influence does AI actually has on the planning and implementation of an event? Will classic live events now finally disappear? And what does the future hold for experiential marketing? Let’s take a look at what is already possible today and what might be possible tomorrow. 







Niklas Stommel
Senior Manager Marketing & Strategy at VOK Dams

Niklas Stommel arbeitet bei VOK DAMS als Senior Manager Marketing & Strategy und ist für den strategischen Einsatz digitaler Innovationen und Trends im Live-Marketing verantwortlich. Niklas Stommel fungiert dabei als kreativer Stratege, der neben der Konzeption einzigartiger Erlebnisse auch für deren Umsetzung verantwortlich ist. Er bildet die Schnittstelle zwischen Strategie, Projektmanagement und Kreation. Mit seinem Engagement sorgt er dafür, VOK DAMS als Innovationsführer zu festigen.


NOV 30, 2023
12:30 PM – 01:00 PM CET

Two Trends that Drive The Metaverse

When Facebook evolved into Meta, the Metaverse became the talk of the town. Yet, its true nature remains enigmatic. Is it a space limited to cumbersome headsets? A fantastical gaming universe for the youth? Or possibly the future real estate boom? In this era of AI and ChatGPT, does the Metaverse even matter?

Join us in this presentation as we uncover the essence of the Metaverse and delve into the two key trends that continue to shape its trajectory, long after the initial hype has subsided. 







Björn Ognibeni
CoFounder at China & XRLab@MCM

For over 20 years, Björn Ognibeni has been helping his clients navigate digital transformation through all trends & hypes. Always with the aim to provide practical visions & solutions instead of PowerPoint slides. That also counts for the Metaverse. He is instigator and curator of IMMERSIVE X.


NOV 30, 2023
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM CET

VR and New Work

Immersive technologies open up completely new possibilities for companies to organize and structure their work processes. Just think of virtual assessments or onboardings in the digital twin of your headquarter. Even training methods in highly complex laboratory environments become easier, safer and therefore more efficient by moving them into simulated environments. In this session, you will learn about concrete applications and practical examples. 


Panel Discussion



REMIO | Titan


Markus Meier
Founder at Dimenteers

After studying economics at the University of Zurich, Markus began his career in international consulting – first in IT-related organisational consulting and then for more than 22 years as co-founder and partner of the Executive Consulting Group AG with a focus on international leadership assessments at board and C-level. Fascinated by new technologies, Markus co-founded Dimenteers GmbH in 2022 to advise organisations on the Metaverse and the application of immersive technologies, e.g., in the HR domain.

Sean Keogh
Consultant for Digitalisation at headroom

Consultant for Digitalisation, previously VP eCommerce Swarovski and CPO mybet, co-founder and Partner of headroom, experts for Collaboration in VR.


NOV 30, 2023
11:30 AM – 12:00 AM CET

HR In The Metaverse

Marek Claussen, Matthias Wolk and Gerald Kottmann present practical examples of social VR in the working world in an entertaining tour through a virtual image and film gallery. Experience many inspiring cases of how immersion is already being used in everyday life: for more team togetherness, onboarding, and employee and customer loyalty. Included are best practices from Lufthansa to Medical Tribune and the VR family – the largest German-language VR community on Facebook with 7.000 members – to the public viewing of Meta Connect 2023 in VR. 


Guided Gallery Tour



REMIO | Titan


Marek Claussen
Head of Product at d.vinci

Marek’s heart has been beating for innovative digital products that help users and are fun for over 20 years. After holding positions at IBM and Bertelsmann, he headed B2C product development at Xing. Since 2020, he has been shaping the product world of d.vinci HR-Systems, which offers consulting and software in the field of recruiting and onboarding. In addition to product development, he is intensively involved in the topics of AI and VR in the HR sector and was a driving force behind the study “HR of tomorrow”.

Matthias Wolk
CEO at Virtual X

Matthias Wolk is the founder and managing partner of several digital enterprises. As a trained TV journalist, he established the innovative full-service agency for visual content, realTV Group. Subsequently, he ventured into the XR industry (virtual reality and augmented reality) with the launch of VRtual X GmbH. Matthias Wolk also played a pivotal role in the establishment of, where he introduced a virtual trading platform for the global art market. Living in Hamburg and aged 52, Matthias is founder and board member of the foundation WAS TUN! and board member of the Next Reality e.V.

Gerald Kottmann
Managing Partner at Alice to Bob

Gerald Kottmann helps companies to identify their future challenges and opportunities. With a clear eye for change and development, he helps organizations to master transformation and use it to stay ahead of the competition. As co-creator of the “HR of Tomorrow” study, he has deep insights into the current and future challenges of HR. He is also a passionate advocate for the use of social VR in the workplace.


NOV 30, 2023
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM CET

HR of Tomorrow: Research Results

Digital transformation has radically changed the HR landscape over the past two decades. But how do HR professionals really experience this change? Marek Claussen, Gerald Kottmann and Matthias Wolk present the results of a comprehensive survey of 100 HR experts on 14 future scenarios. The findings are diverse – from encouraging to surprising to alarming trends. The speakers take a special look at one of the 14 future scenarios, the so-called metaverse – more precisely: social VR. Gain insights of the upcoming challenges and opportunities and critically question your preparation for them. 





REMIO | Titan


Marek Claussen
Head of Product at d.vinci

Marek’s heart has been beating for innovative digital products that help users and are fun for over 20 years. After holding positions at IBM and Bertelsmann, he headed B2C product development at Xing. Since 2020, he has been shaping the product world of d.vinci HR-Systems, which offers consulting and software in the field of recruiting and onboarding. In addition to product development, he is intensively involved in the topics of AI and VR in the HR sector and was a driving force behind the study “HR of tomorrow”.

Matthias Wolk
CEO at Virtual X

Matthias Wolk is the founder and managing partner of several digital enterprises. As a trained TV journalist, he established the innovative full-service agency for visual content, realTV Group. Subsequently, he ventured into the XR industry (virtual reality and augmented reality) with the launch of VRtual X GmbH. Matthias Wolk also played a pivotal role in the establishment of, where he introduced a virtual trading platform for the global art market. Living in Hamburg and aged 52, Matthias is founder and board member of the foundation WAS TUN! and board member of the Next Reality e.V.

Gerald Kottmann
Managing Partner at Alice to Bob

Gerald Kottmann helps companies to identify their future challenges and opportunities. With a clear eye for change and development, he helps organizations to master transformation and use it to stay ahead of the competition. As co-creator of the “HR of Tomorrow” study, he has deep insights into the current and future challenges of HR. He is also a passionate advocate for the use of social VR in the workplace.


NOV 30, 2023
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM CET

How Real Is Artificial Art?

In this thought-provoking panel discussion, three pioneers in the field of AI-generated art will share their experiences and insights. We explore the complicated relationship between human and machine creativity, illuminate the authenticity and significance of AI art in the art landscape, and explore its impact on audiences. We will also seek to include “the elephant in the virtual room and its perspective in the discussion: the artificial intelligence!


Panel Discussion



REMIO | Art Gallery


Vladimir Alexeev
AI adviser, Artist, Digital Experience Specialist at DB Schenker

Vladimir Alexeev, also known as Merzmensch, represents what can happen when a humanities and cultural scientist is exposed to artificial intelligence in an uncontrolled manner. Instead of increasing efficiency through machine learning and generating value for stakeholders with predictive analytics, he suddenly begins to freak out. He lets AI write poems in the style of Kurt Schwitters and performs them by AI-generated jazz musicians. He uses AI to create previously non-existent people, art movements and dream sequences. He makes short films made entirely by AI (script, video, music and actors). Combining artificial intelligence and creativity is Merzmensch’s goal and interest. 

Stephanie Meisl

Stephanie Meisl has been active in the field of visual media since 1997. With a background in communication science, she began her career as a live performing visual artist and has since been at the forefront of the transition from analogue to digital media. Stephanie’s pursuit of understanding the world and its transformations, randomness, repetitions, flaws, beauty, and stories has been an ongoing journey. Since 2018, her research has explored the intersection of art and artificial intelligence. She co-founded “D#AVANTGARDE – new technology, art and creativity” a collective that aims to bridge new technologies, arts and society, together with Scharmien Zandi and Sarah Scherer.

Julian van Dieken
Digital Creator

Julian van Dieken is a media designer working at the intersection of art, future technologies and education. As co-founder of the eLearning platform Waterkant Academy, he has been working intensively on the connection between learning and media concepts for years. This is also how his project @julian_ai_art came about, with which he has been testing the limits of image-generating AI technologies for the past year and has since achieved international recognition.


NOV 30, 2023
09:30 AM – 10:00 AM CET

Beyond „The Girl“ | AI Art Exhibition

Photographer and media designer Julian van Dieken creates works on a daily basis using A.I. tools to explore their function, effects, limits and strengths. What started out as simple experiments quickly went viral. The Vermeer homage “A Girl with Glowing Earrings” suddenly hung in a classical art museum as the world’s first AI image in a classical art museum of this kind. Justin Bieber and Elon Musk responded to the images. And the political cartoons, like the depiction of Obama and Merkel on the beach, became part of the national AI discourse. What does such a dynamic do to art, media and society? Gain insights into this development by visiting Julian’s VR gallery and experience a selection of the much-discussed images up close, virtually, for the first time.


Guided Gallery Tour



REMIO | Art Gallery


Julian van Dieken
Digital Creator

Julian van Dieken is a media designer working at the intersection of art, future technologies and education. As co-founder of the eLearning platform Waterkant Academy, he has been working intensively on the connection between learning and media concepts for years. This is also how his project @julian_ai_art came about, with which he has been testing the limits of image-generating AI technologies for the past year and has since achieved international recognition. 


NOV 29, 2023
09:30 PM – 10:30 PM CET

IMMERSIVE X Pub Quiz and Get-Together

Social VR can be one of the best places to have fun together – and maybe even educational. Join us for an interactive social gaming session to test your knowledge of the metaverse, storytelling, AI and other topics from our conference. First we will form mixed teams and then we will start the competition. It will be entertaining for everyone who takes part – but the winning team will also win a prize.





REMIO | Future World, Rooftop Terrace


Foto: Victoria Tamaschko

Christopher Werth
Chief Creative Officer at VOK DAMS

Christopher Werth is an internationally awarded expert in experiential marketing. He studied theatre directing and staged at the Schauspielhaus Bochum. After working as a copywriter at Jung von Matt and Scholz & Friends, among others, he is now Chief Creative and Metaverse Officer at the agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS worldwide. He researches metaverse and VR, writes a gaming column, and gives lectures at universities and international conferences. 


NOV 29, 2023
08:00 PM – 08:30 PM CET

Making of „Goliath – Playing with Reality“

Coupled with the surge in demand for mental health services, and in wake of NHS being under extreme pressure with staff burnout and walkouts, Inside Mental Health is designed as an impactful immersive resource to deliver better empathetic training for a series of mental health issues, starting with psychosis. Functioning as a physical toolkit, the sessions begin with a narrative VR experience with participant’s biometric data captured in real-time, and concludes with an interactive reflection session. The VR component of Inside Mental Health is based on ANAGRAM’s Emmy-nominated Goliath: Playing with Reality, a 25-minute VR experience narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Tilda Swinton.





REMIO | Future World


Sean Carroll
Business Development Manager at Anagram

Sean is an experienced business manager with a track record of delivering customer focused, commercially driven programs across the public and creative sectors. At Anagram, Sean’s developing a new business model taking existing entertainment IP to create an immersive, empathetic training tool for healthcare workers. Prior to Anagram, Sean worked on R&D XR projects for Factory 42, in public engagement at the Natural History Museum and in commercial and operational roles in the public sector. 

Liam Mckill
3D Artist, Virtual Reality Creativity Consultant and Co-Fonder at Anomie

When it comes to exploring new worlds, shaping them and endowing them with values, it always takes people who are curious and courageous enough to move forward. One of the people who shape the metaverse in this sense is Liam Mckill. As a freelance artist and consultant, Liam experiments and explores visual storytelling using new VR/AR technologies as a creative form. As a maker, he is interested in new technologies not only for the expansion of creative possibilities, but also for the impact of new technologies on ethical issues He has been featured on Forbes, Tech@Facebook, Engadget and more.


NOV 29, 2023
07:30 PM – 08:00 PM CET

Training and Therapy in VR

In many parts of the world, healthcare systems are suffering from nursing shortages. Can immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) help address these shortages and provide better care to patients? In this session, we will present two use cases from the fields of training and therapy that illustrate how these technologies are already being used in medical practice today.
This Session is canceled!


Panel Discussion



REMIO | Future World


Theda Ockenga
Co-Founder and CEO at StellDirVor

Theda Ockenga is the Co-Founder and CEO of StellDirVor, a Munich-based startup shaping tomorrows healthcare system through innovative xReality solutions for training and assistance. With over 15 years of consulting experience in digital transformation and HR, Theda brings a wealth of expertise to her role, guiding companies in the successful implementation of immersive technologies in the healthcare sector. Her visionary leadership is paving the way for a new era of enhanced healthcare experiences, revolutionizing how we learn and provide assistance in the medical field. 

Barbara Stegmann
CEO and Co-Founder at living brain

Barbara Stegmann is psychologist and the CEO & Co-Founder of Heidelberg-based med-tech startup living brain. living brain developed Europe’s only certified VR-based neurotherapy for people suffering neurological diseases. living brains’ first product teora®mind enables patients to regain their cognitive abilities. Furthermore, Barbara hosts the podcast “BlackBox”, focusing true crime cases and their psychological background to advocate for destigmatization of mental illnesses.


NOV 29, 2023
09:00 PM – 09:30 PM CET

The Solar System: Experiential Learning in VR

The Solar System is one of the most amazing places to see in the sphere in Social VR. It shows the full potential of experiential learning in virtual reality as a supplement to the lessons in presence or on the screen and is a great inspiration not only for educators. Meet Niko Lang, the creator, and learn firsthand how this project came to life. Let him take you on a personal tour that will show you our planets in a way you’ve never seen them before. 





VR Chat | Niko‘s Solar System


Niko Lang
IT-Consultant & 3D-Artist

Niko Lang is an IT consultant, 3D artist and a long-time wanderer between different realities. The worlds he creates shape our understanding of the sphere that may one day make the metaverse a reality. 


NOV 29, 2023
05:30 PM – 06:00 PM CET

VR for Social Change

The Africa VR Campus and Center is a grassroots tech organization dedicated to empowering the underprivileged and nurturing talent in remote areas, fostering Metaverse growth across Africa. The organization introduces learners of all ages to emerging technologies, providing VR/XR/AR devices to promote diverse African Metaverse participation. The initiative includes weekly events from an African perspective and a development project aimed at creating an open-source VR OS and apps, ensuring free access for Africans to express themselves. In his presentation, Paul shares his story and offers insights into Africa’s role in the future of immersive tech and beyond.







Paul Simon Waiyaki
CEO and Founder at Africa VR Campus and Center

Paul Simon Waiyaki’s journey began with VOFCIN in 2012, addressing challenges for African children. In 2014, he entered real estate to boost African growth. In 2016 he became the first African in VR and pioneered the technology by founding the The Africa VR Campus and Center. In 2019, he hosted mainstream MetaVerse event hosted live from Africa. In 2022, he launched VR & Space programs customized for the African Learner. 


NOV 29, 2023
04:30 PM – 05:00 PM CET

VR-Campus Hopping





VR Chat | MCM

Tour Guides:

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau
Professor of Marketing & Media at University of Münster and Academic Director of the XRLab@MCM

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau alias “ProfTHT” serves as Academic Director of the XRLab@MCM. He holds the Chair for Marketing & Media Research at the Marketing Center Münster and oversees the university’s M.B.A. in Marketing program. He is consistently ranked as one of Germany’s leading business scholar; the Stanford study in PLOS lists him among the Top 100 most impactful marketing scholars globally. Thorsten’s work studies the digital economy and has been honored with a number of awards, including a Lifetime Award for Published Scholarly Contributions from the UCLA and the JAMS Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award in both 2015 and 2018.

Nilusha Aliman
Research Executive at XRLab@MCM

Nilusha Aliman is the Research Executive at the XRLab@MCM. She is a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Marketing & Media Research at the University of Münster, supervised by Prof. Hennig-Thurau. Her dissertation focuses on the value of immersive technologies for both organizations and society.


NOV 29, 2023
04:00 PM – 04:30 PM CET

Impact of Immersive Technologies on Research & Education

As in the early days of the internet, it is often educational institutions that are the first to gain practical experience with new technologies. How do VR, AR, MR or AI expand the possibilities of teaching and learning? And how does their use change didactics, methodology and the role of teachers and students? In this session, educational pioneers will share their experiences.


Panel Discussion



VR Chat | MCM


Prof. Dr. Paolo Granata
Associate Professor in Book and Media Studies at the University of Toronto

As an educator, an innovator, and a cross-disciplinary media scholar – nurtured by the century-old tradition of his Alma Mater, the University of Bologna – his research and teaching interests lie broadly in the areas of media ecology, media ethics, semiotics, print culture, and visual studies.

Prof. Dr. Min Ding
Bard Professor of Marketing & Affiliate Professor of Info Sciences and Technology, Penn State

Min Ding is Bard Professor of Marketing at Smeal College of Business and Affiliate Professor in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University, and has held past visiting positions at Australian National University, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Fudan University, and MIT. Min received his Ph.D. in Marketing (with a 2nd concentration in Health Care System) from Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, his Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the Ohio State University. He is the author of several books that include Logical Creative Thinking Methods (2020, Routledge), Hualish (2019, Springer English ed; Fudan Press, Chinese ed), The Bubble Theory (2014, Springer English ed; 2019 Fudan Press, Chinese ed), The Chinese Way (2014, Routledge), and The Enlightened (2010), a novel.

 Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hohenberg
Full Professor and Chair of Digital Transformation at the University of Münster

Prof. Sebastian Hohenberg holds the Chair for Digital Transformation and is the Co-Director of the Research Center for Business Transformation at University of Münster’s School of Business & Economics. With his research, Sebastian strives to solve essential business problems related to the digital transformation of business and organic growth. His work has been published in leading scholarly outlets such as the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research. His analysis of how virtual reality can improve new product development of durable products is the first empirical study on virtual reality in a top marketing journal.

Nilusha Aliman
Research Executive at XRLab@MCM

Nilusha Aliman is the Research Executive at the XRLab@MCM. She is a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Marketing & Media Research at the University of Münster, supervised by Prof. Hennig-Thurau. Her dissertation focuses on the value of immersive technologies for both organizations and society.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau | Moderator
Professor of Marketing & Media at University of Münster and Academic Director of the XRLab@MCM

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau alias “ProfTHT” serves as Academic Director of the XRLab@MCM. He holds the Chair for Marketing & Media Research at the Marketing Center Münster and oversees the university’s M.B.A. in Marketing program. He is consistently ranked as one of Germany’s leading business scholar; the Stanford study in PLOS lists him among the Top 100 most impactful marketing scholars globally. Thorsten’s work studies the digital economy and has been honored with a number of awards, including a Lifetime Award for Published Scholarly Contributions from the UCLA and the JAMS Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award in both 2015 and 2018.


NOV 29, 2023
03:30 PM – 04:00 PM CET

How does Meeting in the Metaverse Affect Business Agility?

Especially in times of crisis, speed of action is a paradigm of success. How can immersive technologies contribute to the agility of companies and organizations? Under the leadership of André Henke, Program Lead Digital Management at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lower Saxony (Germany), his federal state has become a pioneer in this discipline in recent years. In this session, he shares his experiences in conversation with Nilusha Aliman, Research Executive of the XRLab at the Marketing Centre Munster.







André Henke
Program Lead Digital Management at Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lower Saxony

André Henke is the Head of digitalization public administration at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Sports of Lower Saxony and Head of Testbed Extended Reality (Metaverse) Germany at the GovTech Campus Germany. He is a specialist in scaled agile program management and led the agile events within this research project. 

Nilusha Aliman
Research Executive at XRLab@MCM

Nilusha Aliman is the Research Executive at the XRLab@MCM. She is a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Marketing & Media Research at the University of Münster, supervised by Prof. Hennig-Thurau. Her dissertation focuses on the value of immersive technologies for both organizations and society.
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